9 to 5 Escape Velocity
I first started this blog as a means to catalogue both my goals as a person, but also the means which I had been using in order to advance my life in the way that I saw fit. The idea behind this was that much of what I learn and use as I got through this step in my life would help others along their path, so why not share that information? Why not clearly mark the safe cobblestones that I’ve stepped on and point out the potholes that I slogged through?
First thing that I started pursuing was a polyphasic sleep schedule. So far, despite some stumbling, it’s been interesting and fulfilling enough to warrant its own blog. Because of that blog, I’ve already got some other community-oriented sites in mind to help more people on their way, what ever it is. Hopefully, these will generate more cobblestones for people to step on.
Because the polyphasic sleeping was so interesting, I did not do much work not focused on it. Now that the polynapping has spun off into its own world, I can start blogging again on my original intent. It’s a little clearer to me where I need to fit all this information and what time to devote to them.
So, now we’re back on the mission of this blog: find the means to free oneself from desk jobs and “traditional” means of supporting oneself.
In my head, I’ve started to think of 9 to 5 jobs and corporate culture as this massive gravity well which so many of us are just orbiting quietly. Our path in life was shaped with education and societal pressures and it has shot us into a low-level orbit around this gravity well, and it doesn’t seem like most of us can get out. We’re down deep in this thick corporate atmosphere so that we can’t see through the haze at all.
I don't know about you, but I want to see some stars. I want to see what’s past the corporate haze because I feel like I’m choking on it. I need to get up and out.
Thinking of corporate culture as a large gravity well has started me thinking about getting away from it like trying to break into orbit: you need to achieve an escape velocity. Because of this, I’ve taken to calling the path away from corporate culture the “9 to 5 Escape Velocity”. It seems like it’ll be hard to achieve, just like Earth’s escape velocity of 11.2 km/s seems daunting.
However, just like getting away from Earth, there are tricks we can find to help us escape from traditional financial life. There are tools to help us get just a little bit further. So, whenever I’ll post on the 9 to 5 Escape Velocity, I’ll be addressing this goal, and hopefully have a trick or idea to help make that hop up and out.
C’mon. It’s just one financial gravity well. How hard can it be? :)
You may be interested in chatting with a friend of mine on this subject: Steve Goldberg, blogs over at whatsinthebag.us
Jim Eastman, at 11/28/2005 02:54:00 PM
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